Friday, January 27, 2017

January 27, 2017

Greetings, fabulous 1/2 parents! We have had a very filled week! Between finishing up testing, the field trip and Open House, the kiddos have rose to the occasions and put forth their best work, attitudes, and effort! I am so proud of them!!!

Important Dates Coming Up:

Tuesday, January 31st: 4:30-8:30 pm, fundraiser at Old Spaghetti Factory.

Tuesday, February 14th: Classroom Valentines Party: 2:00 pm. We will be having a fun at-home-project constructing Valentines boxes. Details will be going home next week. Basically, you can help your kids decorate a fun box at home that has an opening for Valentines to go into and a flap where they can get them out. If you want to start on this before the flyer goes out, please do. We will store them in our cubbies until the party!

Coming Up in Reading:

First Grade:

Second Grade:

Coming Up in Math: First-Graders continue to work with tens, and begin to work on numbers to 100. Second-graders will continue to work on double-digit subtraction. They will work on problem-solving with double-digit numbers as well. We will continue to study last week's story in Bible due to the field-trip and my being absent a day this past week. The verse will be the same as last week:


Pictures from fun happenings!:

Saturday, January 21, 2017

January 21st

Happy Saturday, outstanding 1st/2nd parents! I hope this blog finds you well. The students have been working so hard on testing this last week, and I am proud of them!Here are some important events coming up:


Tuesday, January 24th: OMSI field trip. Please have kiddos wear their red Sonshine shirts and bring a booster seat.Please pack their lunch sack or plastic bag, marked with their name. Chaperones, please bring a backpack (it's okay to use your child's (: ) or some other kind of bag to carry the lunches in. 

Thursday, January 26th: Attention: This is now a full school day. Open House: 6:30 pm (5:30 pm, pizza, $2 a slice)
Friday, January 27th: This is now a full school day. End of second quarter, you will be seeing report cards coming soon after this.I will send an announcement out when they are sent home, so you can be on the lookout for them. 

Save-the-date!: Tuesday, January 31st (evening): 4:30-8:00 pm, Fundraiser at Spaghetti Factory for Sonshine. More details coming soon! 

Coming Up in Reading:

First Grade:

                                                                    Second Grade:    

Coming Up next week: In Math, it's all out tens this week! First-graders will be focusing on tens, counting by tens using dimes, and adding to ten. Second-graders will be taking apart tens to subtract, regrouping tens as ones to help subtract 2-digit problems, and and regrouping a ten as ones. We will be studying animals and their habitats in science, the presidency and government in social science, Nehemiah standing firm in Bible, and our Bible verse will be: